Wednesday, April 29, 2015


I once witnessed microaggression.  I over heard someone telling a man that one of their mutual friends was gay.  To this the man responded, "Really?  He doesn't seem gay."  This was very wrong of the man to say this.  He was assuming that everyone who identifies as gay are the same.  He is assuming that they ast the same, dress the same, talk to same, etc., when in reality this is not true.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

What does a good book cover look like?

This one of my favorite books:

I think this book does a great job portraying the book.  Since it is what some would say "a love story," the cover shows this by making "me" and "you" focal points, by making them bis and in a different color.

Cover 1:  I like this cover because it is an optical illusion, which catches my eye.
Cover 2: I like this cover because its comical. It makes me laugh and want to read the book.
Cover 3: I liked this cover because I like the font and color sceme.  I also like how my eyes flow over it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Before and After Poster



Thursday, February 26, 2015

Swim Team Logo Reflection

The most challenging part of creating my logo design was using the pen tool.  I overcame this challenge by practicing using it.  I think the most successful part of my logo design is the swimmer.

My Logo:

My Presentation Board:

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

What I Did Over the Break

Over the break I mostly slept, ate, and babysat.  One day I went to this restaurant called Alice's Tea Cup, with my mom and sister.  The restaurant's theme is Alice in Wonderland.  We had tea, scones, and sandwiches.  It was very fun and yummy. Here is a picture of the place:

Monday, February 2, 2015

Looking at Art from the Met

I recently went to the met and saw this:
a) This artwork was at the Met.
b) This artwork caught my attention because I feel like this is me after a long day, just relaxing. 
c) The artist was Balthus and it was made in 1938. This is a painting of his neighbor.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Which typeface would you be?

If I had to to be any typeface, I would be a Serif font.  Specifically, I would be Rainbow Mansion.  I would be this font because it had Serifs, which reminds me of being serious, and curves, which reminds me of being silly and fun.  I feel that I have both of these traits.
Below, is the the font I chose that I would be.