Sunday, October 26, 2014

Concept Board


I researched three different artists.  I ultimately chose Ivan Chermayeff and Tom Geismar.  I chose this duo because they created many well known logos.  Below is my research:

  1. ED FELLA- 1980’s

I am interested in Ed Fella because he created his own unique style/design.   He also helped influence other designers.

  • been in business since 1957
  • designed logos for Chase Bank, National Geographic, Merck, Mobil, PanAm, PBS and many others
  • Both Chermayeff and Geismar studied at the Yale University School of Art and Architecture
  • Created logos of Armani Exchange, the Library of Congress, Pan Am
I am interested in Ivan Chermayeff and Tom Geismar because the designed many iconic brands that are still used today.

  1. MILTON GLASER- 1950’s
  • not as clean cut (wavy)
  • had own, different, unique style
  • studied painting, typography and illustration
  • founder-editor of Push Pin Graphics magazine
  • inspired by Pop and Op art
  • From NYC
I am interested in Milton Glaser because he designed the I <3 NY logo, which is very well known.

Concept Board:

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