Sunday, October 5, 2014

Reflection on Letter Project

My process when creating my letter project consisted of many steps.
STEP 1-  Think of a letter to create.
STEP 2- I created like 5 different drafts, until I decided on not doing any of them.
STEP 3- I created a boarder on my paper, and found the center.
STEP 4- I then outlined two hands
STEP 5- I shaded the hands (this was very tricky)
STEP 6- I added color!

I decided to draw two hands, with the world on them, making an "m" because I was creating a representation of the saying "the world is in our hands," except in my picture, the world was on our hands.  If you turn the hands/the world upside down it creates a "w," but now all the continents are upside down.

The most challenging part of this project for me was shading the hands.  It was hard to make my hands look realistic.

I am not 100% satisfied with my project.  I think that the hand on the left turned out better than  the hand on the right, as coloring and shading goes.   I also would have liked to make the hands look a little more realistic.

If I could change anything about my design, I would like to make it bigger so that I could add more detail to the continents and oceans, making them look more real realistic and less cartoony.

This is a picture of the beginning stages of my project:

This is a picture of my end result:


  1. BEAUTIFUL masterpiece, the way you used the global landscaps and the oceanic waters on simple hands is just, genius! My question would be why did you decide to have the hands in-proportional to each other to create the letter M.

  2. Even though your letter comes out just fine, you still asked me at least once every class period what letter it was. If you could change your project, how would you make your "M" more visibly appealing?

  3. Your final project came out really well. I like your idea and you constructed it beautifully. I love your process and your train of thought throughout this project. Nice job!

  4. Nice project Michelle. As someone that contributed ideas to the way the project looked and stuff, I was super happy to see how it came out, cause it looked cool and stuff. I like M by the way.

  5. nice design, i like the idea that connect earth and hands. my question is if you have more time, would you draw something on the background?

    1. Yeah totally! I would want to do shades of yellow, red and orange in the background (like the sun).

  6. I found it interesting that you chose to color the hands in the color of the earth. Why did you choose that?

  7. I love how I experienced the whole process with you! I know how hard you tried to perfect this project which is inspiring I like your theme of world, love and connection. Inspiring work!

  8. Nice idea of combining two concepts into one design. I also like how you shaded to add a shadow. A suggestion is that you could have used another material to color to make it blend better.

  9. It came out amazing! You mentioned your most challenging part was to shade, but I think you did very well on that!

  10. I really like that you chose challenging design and that you stuck with it. It also turned out really great. Maybe to help out with getting more detail you could experiment with more mediums such as pen.

  11. The design look amazing and I very like the idea of the world is in our hand. The design is very detail and the shading is nicely done. It remind of the image of our hand is holding on to the earth.

  12. I think it's cool that you combined two ideas (hands/world), good job.

  13. Wow! I think your concept is great, though maybe if the hands were holding the world it would show better. You did a great job drawing the continents on the hands, I'm surprised that wasn't the most difficult part. Overall looks great!

  14. I actually like the uneven hands, although I am not sure if you were referring to that when you said you did not like the hand on the right as much. The unevenness makes everything seem more natural and helps with making the hands more realistic because it seems like the hands are about to move.

  15. I really like how the hands created the M. I think your concept is really great, and that yu incorporated the globe into it is also very cool.

  16. I'm really liking this idea of having the world in my whole hands, also it shows great artistic skill.
