Friday, December 19, 2014

Which typeface would you be?

If I had to to be any typeface, I would be a Serif font.  Specifically, I would be Rainbow Mansion.  I would be this font because it had Serifs, which reminds me of being serious, and curves, which reminds me of being silly and fun.  I feel that I have both of these traits.
Below, is the the font I chose that I would be.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Questions, Summary, and concept board for swim team

Questions:  I asked swim team member, Fatima, some questions concerning the swim team to help me get ideas for their logo.

Q: What do you like most about the swim team?
A: We are all nice, supportive , and push each other to do better.

Q: What would you like to incorporated into the logo?
A: A woman swimming in water.

Q: Are there specific colors associated with the swim team?
A: Red, black, and white.

Q: What makes the swim team special?
A: Everyone on the team has different skills, and everyone enjoys helping each other.  Also, everyone on the team is very nice and we cheer for other teams during meets.

Q: What do you not want in the logo?
A: Nothing negative.

The swim team was created in 2012, its coach being Ms. Simms.  The swim team practices at Millennium Brooklyn to prepare for their many meets throughout New York City.  The swim team colors are red, black, and white.

Concept Board:

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Logos I like

A logo that I enjoy is the Barbie logo.  This logo is iconic and easily recognizable.  It is very feminine and mature (because it is written in script), which is what Barbie represents.

A logo that I have never seen before, but enjoy, is the Ninth Symphony logo.  I like this because the font is simple and clear.  I also like how they incorporated a conductor into the logo, and made him look like the number nine.  This is cool because it will help people easily recognize the symphony.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Portrait Transformation

This a picture of my sister.  I first adjusted the levels and curves in her face and shirt.  I then cut and pasted her onto a pictured of outer space.  There is no particular reason I did this, I just thought that it would be funny.  Its funny because there would never be a kid in space wearing a T-shirt!
This is my transformation:

BEFORE                                                                       AFTER

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Winter GIF+Reflection

The most frustrating aspect of this project on Photoshop was keeping track of all my layers.  Even though I labeled my layers with what components were being added, I would still just make little touch-ups on parts.  Also, If i wanted to go back and change a minor detail, it would be difficult to find what layer that component was on.

The tool that I feel most confident in using is the eye dropper tool.  There were many instances throughout creating this project that I would need a specific color that I had previously used, that is when the eye dropper would come into play.  The eye dropper tool would help me find that EXACT color.  I also became confident in using the elliptical marquee.  I had to use this tool to create the bottom of the mug, the top, middle, and bottom of the snowman, and I used this tool to create the top of the mug (the hot chocolate).  

I really enjoyed making a symbol/gif on Photoshop.  I would love to learn how to use real pictures on Photoshop next.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


I created this using

Concept Board


I researched three different artists.  I ultimately chose Ivan Chermayeff and Tom Geismar.  I chose this duo because they created many well known logos.  Below is my research:

  1. ED FELLA- 1980’s

I am interested in Ed Fella because he created his own unique style/design.   He also helped influence other designers.

  • been in business since 1957
  • designed logos for Chase Bank, National Geographic, Merck, Mobil, PanAm, PBS and many others
  • Both Chermayeff and Geismar studied at the Yale University School of Art and Architecture
  • Created logos of Armani Exchange, the Library of Congress, Pan Am
I am interested in Ivan Chermayeff and Tom Geismar because the designed many iconic brands that are still used today.

  1. MILTON GLASER- 1950’s
  • not as clean cut (wavy)
  • had own, different, unique style
  • studied painting, typography and illustration
  • founder-editor of Push Pin Graphics magazine
  • inspired by Pop and Op art
  • From NYC
I am interested in Milton Glaser because he designed the I <3 NY logo, which is very well known.

Concept Board:

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Good Graphic Design

I think that this is a good logo because it incorporates the name of the company into the logo.  Also, it is very unique and memorable.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Reflection on Letter Project

My process when creating my letter project consisted of many steps.
STEP 1-  Think of a letter to create.
STEP 2- I created like 5 different drafts, until I decided on not doing any of them.
STEP 3- I created a boarder on my paper, and found the center.
STEP 4- I then outlined two hands
STEP 5- I shaded the hands (this was very tricky)
STEP 6- I added color!

I decided to draw two hands, with the world on them, making an "m" because I was creating a representation of the saying "the world is in our hands," except in my picture, the world was on our hands.  If you turn the hands/the world upside down it creates a "w," but now all the continents are upside down.

The most challenging part of this project for me was shading the hands.  It was hard to make my hands look realistic.

I am not 100% satisfied with my project.  I think that the hand on the left turned out better than  the hand on the right, as coloring and shading goes.   I also would have liked to make the hands look a little more realistic.

If I could change anything about my design, I would like to make it bigger so that I could add more detail to the continents and oceans, making them look more real realistic and less cartoony.

This is a picture of the beginning stages of my project:

This is a picture of my end result:

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Inspiring Book

I recently read a book called Blind, by Rachel Dewoskin.  The book is about a 15 year old girl who lives in a small town, and who had an accident which left her blind.  The story takes place about a year after the accident, though there are flashbacks throughout the book, and it shows how she is struggling accepting that she is blind.  In the end, though, she comes to terms with her blindness, and goes on with her life.

I find this book inspiring because if I went blind, I do not know how I would be able to handle it.  This story shows that life can go on, even after something traumatic happens.

It also made me think about how much I appreciate little things in my life that I do not usually notice.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Let Me Introduce Myself

As the Grammy award worthy song, from Camp Rock, says "This is Me!"

I enjoy watching Youtube.  Some Youtubers I like to watch are, CTFxC, Shaytards, Zoella, Tyler Oakly, Troye Sivan, Danisnotonfire, Amazingphil, and more.  I really enjoy watching other people's lives and content they put online.  Sometimes I watch tutorials (that I can never actually attempt because they are way to hard), or daily vlogs, or Q&A's.

My favorite TV show is most definatly Grey's Anatomy.  Who is is freaking out because season 11 starts in 9 days???, but whose counting…?  My favorite character is Callie, I know that most viewers will disagree, but I like her.  I think Callie is very strong and brave and a very good doctor.  I know that is vague but i'm trying not to spoil things for new viewers.  All I can say is this, Shonda Rhimes has changed my life.

For Ms. Lee, I like to eat at au bon pain during lunch.

I created this blog for my Graphic Design class, and I'm not sure yet what I'm going to post, but whatever I do, I'll try to make it fun and interesting.