Friday, December 19, 2014

Which typeface would you be?

If I had to to be any typeface, I would be a Serif font.  Specifically, I would be Rainbow Mansion.  I would be this font because it had Serifs, which reminds me of being serious, and curves, which reminds me of being silly and fun.  I feel that I have both of these traits.
Below, is the the font I chose that I would be.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Questions, Summary, and concept board for swim team

Questions:  I asked swim team member, Fatima, some questions concerning the swim team to help me get ideas for their logo.

Q: What do you like most about the swim team?
A: We are all nice, supportive , and push each other to do better.

Q: What would you like to incorporated into the logo?
A: A woman swimming in water.

Q: Are there specific colors associated with the swim team?
A: Red, black, and white.

Q: What makes the swim team special?
A: Everyone on the team has different skills, and everyone enjoys helping each other.  Also, everyone on the team is very nice and we cheer for other teams during meets.

Q: What do you not want in the logo?
A: Nothing negative.

The swim team was created in 2012, its coach being Ms. Simms.  The swim team practices at Millennium Brooklyn to prepare for their many meets throughout New York City.  The swim team colors are red, black, and white.

Concept Board:

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Logos I like

A logo that I enjoy is the Barbie logo.  This logo is iconic and easily recognizable.  It is very feminine and mature (because it is written in script), which is what Barbie represents.

A logo that I have never seen before, but enjoy, is the Ninth Symphony logo.  I like this because the font is simple and clear.  I also like how they incorporated a conductor into the logo, and made him look like the number nine.  This is cool because it will help people easily recognize the symphony.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Portrait Transformation

This a picture of my sister.  I first adjusted the levels and curves in her face and shirt.  I then cut and pasted her onto a pictured of outer space.  There is no particular reason I did this, I just thought that it would be funny.  Its funny because there would never be a kid in space wearing a T-shirt!
This is my transformation:

BEFORE                                                                       AFTER